MultaeKappae wrote:Found in Alpha 0.00.05
In switch tower, after elevator, sent robot to push block through the wall.
When I switched back to the girl and climbed the stairs, I was unable to jump... then I discovered the girl was no longer detecting the floor under her and simply remained at her last height (the top of the stairs in the switch, stairs, pillar room at the center of the tower).
game runs normally, am still able to switch between girl and robot, and all of robot's actions behave normally (can walk up and down stairs and jump).
I too get this bug all the time
What I have found out is that you can run up to the grate where the box was and switch to the robot and walk close to the girl and grab her out of the room
Coincidentally, if I get past this room without the bug, the final door to end the alpha is already open but impossible to go through, if you step on the switch the door closes but you still cannot pass
The only way I have been able to finish the alpha is by warping the girl out of the bugged room where she is able to run around in the air and then the last door functions properly
Very strange that those two bugs are seemingly linked like that